Fast Cash Loan Australia

Loan Criteria - Fast Cash Advances (Fast Payday Loans)



Applicant must be an Australian resident.

Applicant must be a minimum of 18 years of age.


Applicant's employment and income source

Applicant can be employed full-time or part-time (receiving holiday pay & sick pay).

Applicant can also be a pensioner (aged, disability etc) or on SPP Centrelink benefits.

Applicant can be self employed provided the applicant can provide a self billing invoice.

Applicant must be able to prove affordability to repay the loan in the time specified.

Note: Applicant CANNOT be on other Centrelink benefits such as Newstart.


Applicant's minimum income

Applicant must have a minimum left over income (after Tax) of :

$600 net per month after paying rent /mortgage and paying for ALL other loans! or

$300 net per fortnight after paying rent /mortgage and paying for ALL other loans! or

$150 net per week after paying rent /mortgage and paying for ALL other loans!


Bank Account

Applicant MUST have a bank account.

Applicant's income MUST be directly deposited into that bank account.



No security required.


Term of the loan

Term of the loan is for 1 - 2 pay periods (maximum of 42 days).


Fast Cash Advances